Used Bendi B4048-AC180D Forklift For Sale

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Have you ever wondered how warehouses and distribution centers efficiently move heavy loads with ease? The Bendi B4048-AC180D Forklift is the answer. This powerful piece of machinery is designed to navigate narrow aisles and tight spaces, making it perfect for optimizing storage and maximizing productivity. With its impressive specifications and versatile uses, the Bendi B4048-AC180D Forklift is a game-changer in the material handling industry. To learn more about this exceptional forklift, consider reaching out to National Lift Equipment or visiting their website to explore their wide range of forklift options. Don’t miss out on the opportunity to revolutionize your workspace with the Bendi B4048-AC180D Forklift.

Bendi B4048-AC180D Forklift


The Bendi B4048-AC180D Forklift is a versatile and efficient piece of equipment that is widely used in various industries such as warehouse operations, manufacturing, and distribution centers. This forklift offers a range of features that enhance productivity, maneuverability, and safety, making it an ideal choice for businesses looking to optimize their operations. In this article, we will explore the specifications, features, applications, benefits, maintenance, buying considerations, and where to buy the Bendi B4048-AC180D Forklift.


The Bendi B4048-AC180D Forklift is a highly regarded piece of equipment in the materials handling industry. It is known for its reliability, durability, and performance. This forklift is designed to handle a variety of tasks with ease, making it a popular choice among businesses in need of efficient material handling solutions. Whether you need to transport loads in a tight warehouse space or navigate through narrow aisles in a distribution center, the Bendi B4048-AC180D Forklift is up to the task.


The Bendi B4048-AC180D Forklift comes with a range of specifications that contribute to its exceptional performance. It has a maximum lifting capacity of 4,000 pounds (1,814 kilograms) and a maximum lift height of 17 feet (5.2 meters). With a turning radius of 86 inches (2.18 meters) and a lift speed of 100 feet per minute (30.5 meters per minute), this forklift offers excellent maneuverability and efficiency. It runs on a 48-volt electrical system and has a battery capacity of 775 amp hours.

Bendi B4048-AC180D Forklift


1. Versatility

One of the standout features of the Bendi B4048-AC180D Forklift is its versatility. It is designed to work well in a wide range of environments, from warehouses to manufacturing facilities. The adjustable fork width allows for easy handling of different load sizes, while the ability to lift loads to a maximum height of 17 feet ensures versatility in stacking applications. Whether you need to unload pallets from a truck or retrieve products from high racking systems, this forklift has got you covered.

2. Maneuverability

In busy work environments, maneuverability is key. The Bendi B4048-AC180D Forklift is equipped with exceptional maneuverability features that make it easy to navigate through tight spaces. Its compact design and narrow width enable efficient operation in narrow aisles, making it an invaluable asset in warehouses with limited space. Additionally, the forklift’s 180-degree steering allows for precise turning, ensuring that you can navigate through obstacles with ease.

3. Ergonomics

Operating a forklift for extended periods can lead to operator fatigue and discomfort. The Bendi B4048-AC180D Forklift prioritizes operator comfort and safety with its ergonomic design. The adjustable seat and steering column ensure that operators can find the most comfortable position for their needs. The hydraulic controls are conveniently placed within reach, minimizing strain and enhancing operational efficiency. With its ergonomic features, this forklift prioritizes the well-being of its operators.

4. Safety Features

Safety should always be a top priority in any workplace. The Bendi B4048-AC180D Forklift is equipped with a range of safety features that help prevent accidents and protect both operators and pedestrians. It has a low center of gravity, providing stability during operation, and an anti-tip system that ensures the forklift remains balanced. The forklift also features advanced braking technology that allows for smooth stopping and prevents rollbacks on inclines. LED lights and audible alarms increase visibility and alertness, reducing the risk of accidents in busy work environments.


The Bendi B4048-AC180D Forklift finds applications in various industries due to its versatility and efficiency. Here are some of the key applications where this forklift excels:

1. Warehouse Operations

In warehouses with limited space, the Bendi B4048-AC180D Forklift shines. Its narrow width and excellent maneuverability make it the perfect choice for navigating narrow aisles and tight storage areas. The forklift’s ability to lift loads to a significant height also makes it suitable for high racking systems, allowing for efficient stacking and retrieval of products.

2. Manufacturing

Efficiency is crucial in manufacturing facilities, and the Bendi B4048-AC180D Forklift delivers. With its versatility and maneuverability, it can streamline material handling processes in manufacturing plants. It can efficiently transport raw materials to production lines and move finished goods to the shipping area. The forklift’s ergonomic design also ensures operator comfort during long shifts, contributing to increased productivity.

3. Distribution Centers

Distribution centers often deal with high volumes of inventory and require quick and efficient movement of goods. The Bendi B4048-AC180D Forklift is well-suited for this environment, thanks to its maneuverability and versatility. It allows operators to navigate through narrow aisles and handle a diverse range of loads, making it an asset in distribution center operations. The forklift’s safety features also play a crucial role in busy distribution centers by preventing accidents and protecting employees and products.


1. Increased Productivity

The Bendi B4048-AC180D Forklift offers several features that contribute to increased productivity. Its versatility allows for efficient handling of various load sizes and types, reducing the time spent on manual material handling tasks. The forklift’s maneuverability enables operators to navigate through tight spaces quickly, minimizing time wastage. With the ability to lift loads to significant heights, it optimizes storage space, allowing for higher inventory capacity.

2. Space Optimization

Limited space can be a challenge in many work environments, but the Bendi B4048-AC180D Forklift helps overcome this obstacle. Its narrow width and excellent maneuverability allow operators to navigate through narrow aisles effortlessly, maximizing usable space in warehouses and distribution centers. By efficiently stacking loads to greater heights, the forklift optimizes vertical storage space while reducing the need for expansive horizontal storage areas.

3. Cost Savings

Investing in the Bendi B4048-AC180D Forklift can result in significant cost savings in the long run. Its versatility eliminates the need for multiple pieces of equipment, reducing upfront costs. The forklift’s efficient operation and increased productivity minimize labor costs associated with manual material handling tasks. Furthermore, the ergonomic design promotes operator comfort and reduces the risk of workplace injuries, leading to reduced healthcare and compensation costs.


1. Regular Inspections

To ensure the Bendi B4048-AC180D Forklift continues to operate at peak performance, regular inspections are essential. Inspect the forklift for any signs of wear or damage, including the forks, tires, brakes, and hydraulic system. Address any issues promptly to prevent further damage and ensure the safety of the operators and others in the vicinity. Regular inspections also help identify any maintenance needs and prevent costly breakdowns.

2. Lubrication

Proper lubrication is crucial for the smooth operation of the forklift. Ensure that all moving parts, such as hinges and pulleys, are properly lubricated as per the manufacturer’s recommendations. This helps reduce friction and wear, extending the lifespan of the forklift and minimizing the risk of breakdowns. Regularly inspect lubrication points and address any lubrication needs promptly.

3. Battery Maintenance

The battery is a critical component of the Bendi B4048-AC180D Forklift, and proper maintenance is essential for optimal performance. Monitor battery levels regularly and follow the manufacturer’s guidelines for charging and maintenance. Keep the battery and terminals clean and free from corrosion. Regularly check for any signs of damage or deterioration and replace the battery if necessary. Proper battery maintenance ensures uninterrupted operation and extends the lifespan of the forklift.

Buying Considerations

1. Condition

When considering buying a used Bendi B4048-AC180D Forklift, thoroughly assess its condition. Inspect the forklift for signs of wear, damage, or any underlying mechanical issues. Check the maintenance records and inquire about the forklift’s previous usage. A well-maintained forklift in good condition will provide better performance and longevity, reducing the risk of unexpected breakdowns or costly repairs.

2. Price

Evaluate the price of the used Bendi B4048-AC180D Forklift in relation to its condition, age, and overall value. Research the market to gain an understanding of the average price range for similar forklifts. Consider factors such as warranty, current market demand, and any additional features or attachments included. A fair price ensures that you get the best value for your investment.

3. Warranty

A warranty provides peace of mind and protects your investment. When buying a used Bendi B4048-AC180D Forklift, inquire about any remaining warranty or the possibility of purchasing an extended warranty. This can cover potential repairs or replacements in the future, reducing the financial risks associated with unexpected breakdowns. A comprehensive warranty ensures that you can rely on the forklift for a long time.

Where to Buy

1. National Lift Equipment

For those interested in buying a used Bendi B4048-AC180D Forklift, National Lift Equipment is a reputable and reliable supplier. With a vast inventory of quality used forklifts, they offer a wide selection to choose from. National Lift Equipment ensures that all their equipment is thoroughly inspected and maintained, providing customers with reliable and high-performing forklifts. Contact National Lift Equipment at 1-800-424-7625 to inquire about the availability of the Bendi B4048-AC180D Forklift.

2. Other Suppliers

Apart from National Lift Equipment, there are other suppliers and dealerships that offer used forklifts, including the Bendi B4048-AC180D model. It is recommended to research local suppliers and dealerships in your region, as they may have the forklift you are looking for. Ensure that the supplier has a good reputation, offers reliable equipment, and provides excellent customer service.


The Bendi B4048-AC180D Forklift is a versatile and efficient solution for various material handling needs. Its specifications, features, and applications make it a valuable asset in warehouse operations, manufacturing plants, and distribution centers. The forklift’s ability to increase productivity, optimize space, and save costs make it an excellent investment for businesses of all sizes. By following proper maintenance practices and considering factors like condition, price, and warranty when buying, you can ensure a reliable and long-lasting forklift. For those seeking a used Bendi B4048-AC180D Forklift, National Lift Equipment is a recommended supplier known for their quality and reliability. Make the right choice and enhance your material handling capabilities with the Bendi B4048-AC180D Forklift.

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