Used Combi-Lift C11000 Forklift For Sale

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Looking for a versatile forklift that can handle heavy loads and navigate tight spaces with ease? Look no further than the Combi-Lift C11000 Forklift. This robust and reliable machine is built to tackle the toughest jobs, making it a perfect choice for warehouses, construction sites, and more. With its impressive lifting capacity and unique design that allows for multidirectional travel, the Combi-Lift C11000 is a game-changer in the world of forklifts. Whether you need to transport goods in narrow aisles or lift heavy loads to great heights, this forklift has got you covered. To get your hands on a used Combi-Lift C11000, contact the trusted experts at National Lift Equipment at 1-800-424-7625 or browse their extensive collection of forklifts at

Combi-Lift C11000 Forklift


The Combi-Lift C11000 Forklift is a versatile and powerful piece of equipment that is designed to handle a wide range of material handling tasks. It is known for its exceptional maneuverability and ergonomic features, making it an excellent choice for both indoor and outdoor applications. In this article, we will explore the specifications, features, uses, benefits, maintenance, buying guide, and safety tips of the Combi-Lift C11000 Forklift.


The Combi-Lift C11000 Forklift is a heavy-duty forklift that provides exceptional lifting capacity and load handling capabilities. It is built with a robust design and advanced technology to ensure optimal performance in various industrial settings. Whether you need to move heavy pallets in a warehouse or transport materials outdoors, the Combi-Lift C11000 Forklift is up to the task.


The Combi-Lift C11000 Forklift comes with impressive specifications that contribute to its outstanding functionality. It has a maximum lifting capacity of 11,000 pounds, allowing you to handle heavy loads with ease. The forklift is powered by a high-performance engine, delivering reliable power and performance. With a maximum lift height of 26 feet, this forklift enables you to reach heights that would be challenging for other equipment.



One of the standout features of the Combi-Lift C11000 Forklift is its versatility. It is equipped with a multi-directional steering system, allowing it to move in any direction with ease. This feature is particularly useful in narrow aisles and confined spaces where traditional forklifts may struggle to maneuver. The multi-directional capability of the Combi-Lift C11000 Forklift makes it a valuable asset in warehouses, distribution centers, and manufacturing facilities.


The Combi-Lift C11000 Forklift excels in terms of maneuverability. Its compact design and exceptional steering system ensure smooth operation even in tight spaces. The forklift’s ability to move in all directions provides flexibility in navigating around obstacles and obstacles. Whether you need to perform precise movements or navigate through crowded areas, the Combi-Lift C11000 Forklift offers exceptional maneuverability to get the job done efficiently.


Another notable feature of the Combi-Lift C11000 Forklift is its ergonomic design. The forklift is equipped with a comfortable seat, adjustable controls, and excellent visibility, ensuring operator comfort and safety. The ergonomics of the forklift reduce operator fatigue and minimize the risk of accidents due to poor visibility. Operator comfort and safety are paramount, and the Combi-Lift C11000 Forklift delivers on both fronts.

Combi-Lift C11000 Forklift


Warehouse Applications

The Combi-Lift C11000 Forklift is well-suited for a variety of warehouse applications. Its versatility and maneuverability make it an excellent choice for moving pallets, stacking inventory, and transporting materials within a warehouse setting. The multi-directional steering system allows operators to navigate narrow aisles and make precise movements, improving efficiency and productivity. With its exceptional lifting capacity, the forklift can handle heavy loads with ease, making it an indispensable tool in warehouse operations.

Outdoor Applications

In addition to warehouse applications, the Combi-Lift C11000 Forklift is also ideal for outdoor use. Its rugged design and powerful engine enable it to handle various outdoor tasks. From loading and unloading trucks to transporting materials across uneven terrain, this forklift can tackle a wide range of outdoor applications. The multi-directional steering system allows for easy maneuvering in outdoor spaces, making it an excellent choice for construction sites, lumber yards, and other outdoor work environments.


Increased Productivity

By incorporating the Combi-Lift C11000 Forklift into your operations, you can experience a significant increase in productivity. The forklift’s versatile design and maneuverability enable operators to complete tasks quickly and efficiently. The ability to move in all directions allows for seamless navigation in tight spaces, reducing the time needed to complete each job. Additionally, the forklift’s impressive lifting capacity ensures that heavy loads can be transported and stacked without delays, further enhancing productivity.

Improved Safety

Safety is a priority in any industrial setting, and the Combi-Lift C11000 Forklift delivers on that front. The ergonomic design of the forklift promotes operator comfort and reduces fatigue, leading to increased alertness and concentration. The adjustable controls and excellent visibility contribute to safer operations, minimizing the risk of accidents and injuries. Furthermore, the multi-directional steering system allows for precise movements, ensuring that operators can safely navigate around obstacles and obstructions.

Lower Operating Costs

Investing in the Combi-Lift C11000 Forklift can lead to lower operating costs in the long run. The forklift’s durable construction and reliable components ensure longevity and reduce the need for frequent repairs or replacements. Its efficient engine also helps to minimize fuel consumption, resulting in lower fuel costs. Additionally, the forklift’s versatility and maneuverability enable operators to complete tasks more efficiently, reducing labor costs and maximizing operational efficiency.


Regular Inspections

To ensure optimal performance and safety, regular inspections of the Combi-Lift C11000 Forklift are vital. Inspections should include checking for leaks, inspecting hydraulic components, and examining tires for wear and tear. Regular inspections help identify potential issues before they escalate, allowing for timely repairs and preventing costly breakdowns.

Routine Maintenance Tasks

Routine maintenance tasks should be performed according to the manufacturer’s guidelines. These tasks may include changing fluids, inspecting and tightening connections, lubricating moving parts, and replacing filters and other consumables. Adhering to routine maintenance tasks enhances the longevity and reliability of the forklift, reducing the risk of unexpected equipment failure.

Common Troubleshooting

In the event of any issues or malfunctions with the Combi-Lift C11000 Forklift, it is important to troubleshoot and address the problem promptly. Common troubleshooting steps may include checking for loose connections, examining electrical components, and verifying hydraulic system functionality. If unable to resolve the issue, consulting a qualified technician is recommended to avoid further damage to the equipment.

Buying Guide

Assessing Your Needs

Before purchasing a forklift, it is essential to assess your specific needs. Consider factors such as the weight and dimensions of the materials you will be handling, the height to which you need to lift loads, and the type of terrain or environment in which the forklift will be used. Understanding your requirements will help you choose the right forklift, such as the Combi-Lift C11000 Forklift, to meet your specific needs.

Considerations When Buying Used

If you are considering purchasing a used Combi-Lift C11000 Forklift, there are certain considerations to keep in mind. Thoroughly inspect the forklift for any signs of wear and tear, and request maintenance records to ensure proper upkeep. It is also beneficial to inquire about any warranty or service agreements that may be available for used equipment. By conducting thorough research and inspections, you can make an informed decision when buying a used forklift.

Contacting National Lift Equipment

For those in search of a used Combi-Lift C11000 Forklift, it is recommended to contact National Lift Equipment. With their expertise in the industry and wide selection of quality used forklifts, they can help you find the right forklift to meet your needs. You can reach National Lift Equipment at 1-800-424-7625 or visit their website to explore their inventory of available forklifts.

Safety Tips

Operator Training

Proper operator training is crucial for safe and efficient operation of the Combi-Lift C11000 Forklift. Operators should receive comprehensive training on the forklift’s controls, safety features, and operational guidelines. Training should cover load handling procedures, emergency protocols, and safe operating practices. Ongoing training and refresher courses should also be provided to ensure that operators stay up to date with the latest safety practices.

Proper Load Handling

Load handling is a critical aspect of forklift operation, and it is essential to follow proper procedures to prevent accidents and damages. Operators should properly secure loads using appropriate lifting accessories, ensure that loads are balanced and stable, and avoid exceeding the forklift’s rated capacity. Additionally, operators should be mindful of surrounding obstacles and maintain clear lines of sight when handling loads.

Regular Equipment Checks

Regular equipment checks are essential for maintaining the safety and reliability of the Combi-Lift C11000 Forklift. Operators should perform pre-shift inspections to check for any visible damages, leaks, or malfunctions. This inspection should include examining tires, brakes, lights, and safety devices. Any issues should be reported and addressed promptly to prevent accidents and equipment failures.


In summary, the Combi-Lift C11000 Forklift is a versatile and powerful piece of equipment that offers exceptional maneuverability, ergonomic design, and impressive lifting capacity. It is suitable for various warehouse and outdoor applications, providing increased productivity, improved safety, and lower operating costs. By conducting regular maintenance and following safety guidelines, you can ensure optimal performance and longevity of the forklift. When purchasing a forklift, it is important to assess your needs and consider reputable sellers like National Lift Equipment. With its outstanding features and benefits, the Combi-Lift C11000 Forklift is an excellent choice for all your material handling needs.

Final Considerations

When it comes to choosing a forklift, the Combi-Lift C11000 Forklift stands out as a top contender. Its versatility, maneuverability, and ergonomic features make it an excellent choice for a range of applications. With increased productivity, improved safety, and lower operating costs, investing in the Combi-Lift C11000 Forklift can significantly benefit your operations. Remember to conduct regular maintenance, provide proper operator training, and follow safety protocols to ensure the long-lasting performance of this exceptional forklift.

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