Used Combi-Lift C6000CB Forklift For Sale

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Are you in need of a versatile and powerful forklift that can handle a wide range of materials with ease? Look no further than the Combi-Lift C6000CB Forklift. This reliable and efficient machine is designed to handle heavy loads with precision, making it the ideal choice for a variety of industries. With its impressive specifications, including a lift capacity of up to 6,000 pounds and a maximum lift height of 26 feet, the Combi-Lift C6000CB is capable of tackling even the toughest tasks. Whether you need to transport materials in a warehouse or load and unload shipments, this forklift has got you covered. If you’re in the market for a used forklift, be sure to contact National Lift Equipment at 1-800-424-7625. You can also explore the wide range of forklifts available at

Combi-Lift C6000CB Forklift


The Combi-Lift C6000CB forklift is a versatile and efficient piece of machinery that is designed to meet the needs of various industries. With its innovative features and reliable performance, it has become a popular choice for businesses looking to improve their operations. In this article, we will explore the key features, uses, advantages, and technical specifications of the Combi-Lift C6000CB forklift. Whether you are in the warehouse, outdoor, or transportation industry, this forklift can be a valuable addition to your business. We will also discuss the safety features, maintenance and service requirements, as well as where to find this forklift for sale.


The Combi-Lift C6000CB forklift is a powerful and efficient machine that has been designed to enhance productivity and safety in various industries. It is equipped with advanced technologies and features that make it a reliable and versatile choice for businesses. With its impressive lifting capacity, compact design, all-wheel drive, and operator comfort, this forklift offers a range of benefits that can greatly enhance your operations.

Key Features

The Combi-Lift C6000CB forklift comes with several key features that set it apart from other forklifts in the market. Let’s explore these features in more detail.

Combilift Technology

One of the standout features of the Combi-Lift C6000CB forklift is its combilift technology. This technology combines the capabilities of a counterbalance forklift, side loader, and narrow aisle forklift. As a result, the Combi-Lift C6000CB offers superior maneuverability and allows for safe and efficient operation in narrow aisles and confined spaces.

Compact Design

The compact design of the Combi-Lift C6000CB forklift enables it to navigate easily through narrow aisles and tight spaces. This makes it an ideal choice for warehouse operations where space is often limited. The compact design also ensures that the forklift is easy to maneuver, improving overall efficiency and productivity.

All-Wheel Drive

The all-wheel drive feature of the Combi-Lift C6000CB forklift provides enhanced traction and stability, making it suitable for both indoor and outdoor applications. Whether you need to transport goods on slippery surfaces or rough terrain, this forklift can handle it with ease. The all-wheel drive ensures smooth and safe operation in any environment.

Operator Comfort

The comfort of the operator is a top priority for Combi-Lift, and the C6000CB forklift is no exception. It comes with a comfortable and ergonomic operator seat, adjustable controls, and excellent visibility, ensuring that the operator can work with ease and efficiency. The operator cabin is designed to reduce fatigue during long hours of operation, promoting safety and productivity.

Combi-Lift C6000CB Forklift


The Combi-Lift C6000CB forklift is a versatile machine that can be used in various industries and applications. Let’s explore some of the common uses of this forklift.

Warehouse Operations

In warehouse operations, space is often limited, and the ability to maneuver efficiently is crucial. The Combi-Lift C6000CB forklift’s compact design and combilift technology make it an excellent choice for navigating narrow aisles and tight spaces. Its all-wheel drive ensures stability and traction on various surfaces, allowing for seamless loading, unloading, and stacking of goods.

Outdoor Applications

The Combi-Lift C6000CB forklift’s all-wheel drive and robust construction make it suitable for outdoor applications as well. Whether you need to transport goods across uneven terrain or in slippery conditions, this forklift can handle it. Its durability and versatility make it an ideal choice for industries such as construction, agriculture, and landscaping.


The Combi-Lift C6000CB forklift can also be used for transportation purposes. Its all-wheel drive and compact design allow for easy maneuvering in confined spaces, making it suitable for loading and unloading goods from trucks and trailers. Its robust construction ensures that it can handle heavy loads with ease, making it a reliable choice for transportation needs.


The Combi-Lift C6000CB forklift offers a range of advantages that can greatly benefit your business. Let’s explore some of these advantages in more detail.

Increased Efficiency

The Combi-Lift C6000CB forklift’s combilift technology, compact design, and all-wheel drive contribute to increased efficiency in your operations. The ability to maneuver easily in narrow aisles and tight spaces allows for faster loading, unloading, and stacking of goods. Its all-wheel drive ensures smooth operation on various surfaces, reducing downtime and increasing overall productivity.

Safe Operation

Safety is a top priority in any workplace, and the Combi-Lift C6000CB forklift is designed with this in mind. It comes with excellent operator visibility, stability control systems, and warning and alarm systems to ensure safe operation. The ergonomic design of the operator cabin reduces fatigue and improves concentration, further enhancing safety.


The versatility of the Combi-Lift C6000CB forklift makes it suitable for a wide range of applications. Whether you need to navigate narrow aisles, transport goods across rough terrain, or load and unload goods from trucks, this forklift can handle it. Its combilift technology and all-wheel drive make it a versatile choice for various industries.


Investing in a Combi-Lift C6000CB forklift can prove to be a cost-effective choice for your business. Its efficiency and productivity enhancements can lead to cost savings in labor and operational expenses. The durability and reliability of the forklift also ensure reduced maintenance and repair costs in the long run.

Technical Specifications

Now let’s dive into the technical specifications of the Combi-Lift C6000CB forklift. These specifications play a crucial role in determining the suitability of the forklift for your specific needs.


The weight of the Combi-Lift C6000CB forklift is 12,900 lbs. This specification is important to consider as it affects the forklift’s stability, traction, and lifting capacity. Ensure that the weight of the forklift aligns with your specific needs and operational requirements.

Tire Options

The Combi-Lift C6000CB forklift offers various tire options, allowing you to choose the most suitable tires for your specific needs. The right tires can enhance the forklift’s performance on different surfaces and contribute to improved safety and efficiency.

Safety Features

Safety is a top priority when operating any forklift, and the Combi-Lift C6000CB forklift comes with a range of safety features to ensure safe operation. Let’s explore some of these safety features.

Operator Visibility

The Combi-Lift C6000CB forklift is designed with excellent operator visibility in mind. The operator cabin provides a clear view of the surroundings, allowing the operator to maneuver the forklift safely. Good visibility is crucial in preventing accidents and minimizing risks.

Stability Control System

The stability control system of the Combi-Lift C6000CB forklift ensures that the forklift remains stable during operation. This system monitors the forklift’s stability and adjusts accordingly to prevent tipping or instability. It enhances the safety of the operator and the load being handled.

Warning and Alarm Systems

The Combi-Lift C6000CB forklift comes with warning and alarm systems to alert the operator and those in the vicinity of potential hazards. These systems include audible alarms, flashing lights, and other visual indicators that enhance safety awareness and prevent accidents.

Maintenance and Service

To ensure the optimal performance and longevity of your Combi-Lift C6000CB forklift, regular maintenance and servicing are essential. Let’s explore the various aspects of maintenance and service for this forklift.

Routine Maintenance

Routine maintenance is crucial for keeping your forklift in top condition. This includes regular inspections, lubrication, and cleaning of the forklift. It is recommended to follow the manufacturer’s guidelines for routine maintenance and schedule regular check-ups to identify and address any potential issues.

Servicing and Repairs

In addition to routine maintenance, occasional servicing and repairs may be required to address any issues that may arise. It is important to have a reliable service provider who specializes in forklifts to ensure efficient and effective servicing and repairs. Promptly addressing any problems can prevent them from escalating and causing further damage to the forklift.

Parts and Accessories

When it comes to maintaining your Combi-Lift C6000CB forklift, having access to genuine parts and accessories is essential. It is recommended to source parts and accessories from authorized dealers or reputable suppliers to ensure compatibility and quality. Using genuine parts and accessories can help prolong the lifespan of your forklift and prevent potential issues.

Buying a Used Combi-Lift C6000CB Forklift

If you are considering purchasing a used Combi-Lift C6000CB forklift, it is important to make an informed decision. Here are some steps to guide you in the buying process.

Contact National Lift Equipment

For a reliable source of used Combi-Lift C6000CB forklifts, you can contact National Lift Equipment at 1-800-424-7625. They specialize in used forklifts and can provide you with options that meet your specific needs. Their knowledgeable staff can assist you in finding the right forklift for your business.

Benefits of Buying Used

Buying a used forklift can offer several benefits. It is often a more cost-effective option compared to purchasing a new forklift. Used forklifts from reputable dealers undergo thorough inspections and repairs as needed, ensuring that they are in good working condition. Additionally, buying used allows you to potentially access a higher specification model that may be more budget-friendly.

Inspecting and Testing

Before making a purchase, it is advisable to inspect and test the used Combi-Lift C6000CB forklift. This allows you to assess its condition, performance, and suitability for your needs. Look for any signs of wear and tear, check the functionality of the key features, and conduct a test drive if possible. It is also recommended to request maintenance records to get a better understanding of the forklift’s history.

Pricing and Financing Options

When buying a used forklift, it is important to consider the pricing and financing options. Compare prices from different sellers and assess the overall value for money. National Lift Equipment can provide you with competitive pricing and financing options to make your purchase more affordable.

Where to Find Combi-Lift C6000CB Forklifts for Sale

If you are in the market for a Combi-Lift C6000CB forklift, here are two sources where you can find them for sale.

National Lift Equipment

For a reliable source of Combi-Lift C6000CB forklifts, you can turn to National Lift Equipment. They specialize in used forklifts and offer a wide range of models, including the Combi-Lift C6000CB. Contact them at 1-800-424-7625 to explore their inventory and find the right forklift for your business needs.

Online Marketplaces

Online marketplaces such as [insert names of reputable marketplaces] can also be a good source for finding Combi-Lift C6000CB forklifts for sale. It is important to carefully review the seller’s reputation, read customer reviews, and ask for any necessary documentation or history of the forklift before making a purchase.


The Combi-Lift C6000CB forklift is a reliable and versatile machine that can greatly enhance your operations. With its advanced features, all-wheel drive, and compact design, it offers increased efficiency, safe operation, and versatility across various industries. The technical specifications ensure that it can meet your specific lifting needs, and the safety features provide peace of mind for operators and their surroundings. Whether you are looking to purchase a new or used forklift, the Combi-Lift C6000CB is a recommended choice. Contact National Lift Equipment at 1-800-424-7625 to explore your options and make a smart investment for your business.

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