Used Crown Equipment CG45S-7 Forklift For Sale

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Imagine having a reliable workhorse by your side, capable of effortlessly lifting heavy loads while maneuvering through tight spaces with ease. Look no further than the Crown Equipment CG45S-7 Forklift. This powerful machine combines performance and durability to ensure maximum productivity in any industrial setting. With its impressive specifications and user-friendly design, the CG45S-7 Forklift is the ideal solution for a wide range of material handling needs. Whether you’re in construction, warehousing, or logistics, this forklift is guaranteed to enhance your operational efficiency. For those in search of a used Crown Equipment CG45S-7 Forklift, contacting National Lift Equipment or browsing through their comprehensive selection of forklifts at is highly recommended.

Crown Equipment CG45S-7 Forklift


Introduction to the Crown Equipment CG45S-7 Forklift

The Crown Equipment CG45S-7 Forklift is a versatile and powerful machine designed to meet the demands of various industrial applications. Known for its reliability, durability, and innovative technology, this forklift is a popular choice among warehouse operators, manufacturing facilities, construction sites, and businesses involved in loading and unloading operations. With its impressive lifting capacity, fast travel speed, and fuel efficiency, the CG45S-7 Forklift offers exceptional performance, safety, efficiency, and cost-effectiveness.

Features and specifications

The CG45S-7 Forklift is equipped with a range of features and specifications that set it apart from other forklift models in the market. With a lifting capacity of up to 4.5 tons, it can handle heavy loads with ease. The forklift offers various mast options, allowing for efficient material handling in different working environments. Its travel speed ensures quick and efficient movement of goods, while its tight turning radius enables maneuverability in confined spaces. The forklift runs on a reliable fuel type, ensuring uninterrupted operation throughout the workday.

Applications and uses

The CG45S-7 Forklift is suitable for a wide range of applications and uses. It is commonly utilized in warehouse operations for stacking, transporting, and retrieving goods. Its robust construction and lifting capacity make it ideal for moving heavy materials in manufacturing facilities. Moreover, its versatility allows it to be used in construction sites for lifting, loading, and unloading tasks. Whether it’s transporting goods in a warehouse, moving materials in a manufacturing facility, or handling construction materials on a job site, the CG45S-7 Forklift excels in various applications.


Lifting capacity

With a lifting capacity of up to 4.5 tons, the CG45S-7 Forklift is capable of handling heavy loads efficiently and safely. This high capacity makes it suitable for a wide range of tasks, including moving pallets, lifting machinery, and transporting heavy materials.

Mast options

The CG45S-7 Forklift offers various mast options to accommodate different working environments. These mast options include different heights and configurations, allowing operators to customize the forklift to meet their specific needs. Whether it’s a low-profile mast for working in confined spaces or a high-reach mast for stacking goods at greater heights, the CG45S-7 Forklift provides flexibility and versatility.

Travel speed

The CG45S-7 Forklift boasts an impressive travel speed, allowing for efficient movement within the workspace. The fast travel speed enables operators to transport materials quickly, reducing cycle times and increasing productivity. Whether it’s moving goods across a warehouse floor or navigating a construction site, the CG45S-7 Forklift ensures swift and smooth operation.

Turning radius

One of the standout features of the CG45S-7 Forklift is its tight turning radius. This feature enables operators to maneuver in tight spaces with ease, optimizing efficiency and productivity. The forklift’s ability to make sharp turns while avoiding obstacles makes it ideal for working in crowded areas or navigating narrow aisles within a warehouse.

Fuel type

The CG45S-7 Forklift runs on a reliable fuel type, ensuring consistent performance and minimal downtime. The choice of fuel type depends on the specific requirements of the operation, with options such as diesel, LPG, or electric available. Crown Equipment provides different fuel types to cater to the diverse needs of its customers, ensuring maximum efficiency and cost-effectiveness.


Operator compartment

The CG45S-7 Forklift prioritizes operator safety and comfort by providing a well-designed operator compartment. The compartment offers excellent visibility, ergonomic controls, and comfortable seating. The spacious design allows operators to move freely and maintain comfort throughout their shift, minimizing fatigue and maximizing productivity.


Clear visibility is essential for safe forklift operation, and the CG45S-7 Forklift excels in this aspect. It features a well-positioned mast and overhead guard design, providing operators with maximum visibility of the working area. The clear sightlines enable operators to navigate safely, avoiding potential hazards and ensuring the safety of both operators and bystanders.

Safety features

The CG45S-7 Forklift is equipped with a range of safety features to enhance operator protection and prevent accidents. These features include audible alarms, seat belts, strobe lights, and advanced systems that monitor critical aspects of the forklift’s operation. The forklift’s safety features are designed to promote safe working practices, reduce the risk of operator injury, and prevent damage to the equipment and surrounding environment.

Maintenance and inspection

Regular maintenance and inspection are crucial for ensuring the safe and reliable operation of any forklift. The CG45S-7 Forklift is designed with ease of maintenance in mind, with accessible components and clear instructions for routine checks and servicing. Scheduled maintenance intervals are recommended to keep the forklift operating at peak performance and to address any potential issues before they become major problems.

Crown Equipment CG45S-7 Forklift


Energy consumption

The CG45S-7 Forklift is known for its fuel efficiency, helping businesses reduce their operating costs and environmental impact. With modern engine technology and intelligent fuel management systems, the forklift optimizes energy consumption and minimizes waste. By consuming less fuel, it not only lowers operational expenses but also reduces emissions, making it an eco-friendly choice for businesses.


Ergonomics play a vital role in promoting operator comfort and productivity. The CG45S-7 Forklift prioritizes ergonomics with its well-designed operator compartment, adjustable seating, responsive controls, and intuitive interface. These ergonomic features reduce operator fatigue, enhance efficiency, and contribute to a safer working environment.

Productivity enhancements

The CG45S-7 Forklift is equipped with productivity-enhancing features that streamline material handling tasks. These features include quick acceleration, responsive controls, and smooth operation. The forklift’s advanced technologies and intuitive design enable operators to work efficiently and complete tasks in less time, ultimately boosting overall productivity in the workplace.

Maintenance intervals

Efficient maintenance intervals contribute to the overall efficiency of the CG45S-7 Forklift. The forklift is designed to minimize downtime and maximize uptime through straightforward maintenance procedures. Regularly scheduled maintenance intervals help identify potential issues early on, ensuring the forklift remains in optimal working condition. By reducing the frequency and duration of maintenance activities, businesses can optimize their operations and minimize disruptions.

Advantages of the CG45S-7 Forklift


The CG45S-7 Forklift is renowned for its reliability, with a track record of dependable performance in various industries. From warehouse operations to construction sites, this forklift consistently meets the demanding needs of its users. The combination of robust construction, high-quality components, and advanced technology ensures that the CG45S-7 Forklift operates reliably, even in challenging conditions.


Built to withstand the rigors of heavy-duty use, the CG45S-7 Forklift offers exceptional durability. Its rugged construction and high-quality materials ensure that it can handle demanding tasks without compromising performance. The forklift’s durability reduces the risk of breakdowns, prolongs its lifespan, and provides businesses with a long-term solution for their material handling needs.

Innovative technology

The CG45S-7 Forklift incorporates innovative technology to enhance performance, safety, and efficiency. From advanced fuel management systems to intelligent monitoring and control systems, this forklift is equipped with cutting-edge technology that sets it apart from its competitors. The integration of these technologies results in improved operation, reduced costs, and increased productivity for businesses.

Low cost of ownership

Investing in the CG45S-7 Forklift offers a low cost of ownership over its lifespan. Its fuel efficiency, reduced maintenance requirements, and durable design contribute to significant cost savings for businesses. Moreover, the forklift’s reliability and longevity minimize the need for frequent repairs or replacement, further reducing operational expenses. The CG45S-7 Forklift’s low cost of ownership makes it an attractive choice for businesses looking to optimize their material handling operations.


Warehouse operations

In the fast-paced world of warehouse operations, the CG45S-7 Forklift shines. Its lifting capacity, travel speed, and maneuverability make it an invaluable asset for stacking, retrieving, and transporting goods within a warehouse. With its ability to handle heavy loads and navigate narrow aisles, the forklift increases efficiency and productivity, leading to smoother warehouse operations.

Manufacturing facilities

Manufacturing facilities rely on the efficient movement of materials, and the CG45S-7 Forklift excels in this environment. Its lifting capacity and mast options allow for the seamless transportation of heavy machinery, materials, and goods. By streamlining material handling tasks, the forklift enhances productivity and facilitates the smooth operation of manufacturing processes.

Construction sites

Construction sites often require heavy lifting and material transportation, and the CG45S-7 Forklift is well-suited for these tasks. Its robust construction, lifting capacity, and maneuverability enable it to handle construction materials with ease. Whether it’s lifting building supplies or loading and unloading materials from trucks, the forklift’s versatility makes it an indispensable tool on construction sites.

Loading and unloading

The CG45S-7 Forklift is highly effective in loading and unloading operations. It can efficiently transport goods from storage areas to loading docks and vice versa, ensuring a smooth flow of materials. With its lifting capacity and travel speed, the forklift streamlines the loading and unloading process, reducing handling time and improving operational efficiency.

Recommended Supplier

Introduction to National Lift Equipment (NLE)

For those interested in purchasing a used CG45S-7 Forklift, National Lift Equipment (NLE) is a trusted and reliable supplier to consider. NLE specializes in providing high-quality used forklifts and other material handling equipment to businesses in need. With a reputation for excellent customer service and a wide inventory of reliable machines, NLE can assist potential buyers in finding the perfect forklift for their specific requirements.

Contact information

To learn more about the used CG45S-7 Forklift options available at National Lift Equipment, interested individuals can contact them at 1-800-424-7625. The knowledgeable and friendly team at NLE will be happy to provide further details, answer any questions, and guide potential buyers through the purchasing process.

Benefits of contacting NLE

Choosing to work with National Lift Equipment offers several benefits for those in search of a used CG45S-7 Forklift. NLE offers a wide selection of forklifts, including the CG45S-7 model, ensuring that buyers can find the right machine to suit their needs. With their expertise in the industry, NLE can provide valuable insights and guidance, making the buying process seamless and stress-free. Additionally, NLE’s commitment to customer satisfaction ensures that buyers receive excellent service and support even after the purchase is made.

Buying a Used CG45S-7 Forklift


When buying a used CG45S-7 Forklift, there are several considerations to keep in mind. Start by assessing the specific needs of your operation to determine the right specifications and features required. Consider factors such as lifting capacity, mast options, and fuel type to ensure the forklift aligns with your requirements. Additionally, reliability, maintenance history, and age of the forklift should be taken into account to make an informed purchasing decision.

Inspection and testing

Before finalizing the purchase of a used CG45S-7 Forklift, it is crucial to conduct a thorough inspection and testing. This step ensures that the forklift is in good working condition and meets safety standards. Inspect the forklift for any visible damages or signs of wear and tear. Test the various functions and controls to verify their proper operation. If needed, consider hiring a professional technician to conduct a comprehensive inspection to ensure all components are functioning properly.

Price and negotiation

When buying a used forklift, price negotiation is common. Research the market value of similar forklifts and compare prices from different sellers. Take into account factors such as the age, condition, and maintenance history of the forklift. Use this information to negotiate a fair price that aligns with the value offered by the forklift.

Warranty options

When purchasing a used CG45S-7 Forklift, inquire about any available warranty options. A warranty can provide peace of mind and protection against unforeseen expenses. Depending on the seller and the condition of the forklift, different warranty options may be available. Carefully review the terms and conditions of any warranty offered to assess its coverage and duration.


The CG45S-7 Forklift from Crown Equipment is a reliable, durable, and technologically advanced solution for various material handling needs. With its impressive performance, safety features, efficiency, and low cost of ownership, it is a valuable asset in industries ranging from warehousing to manufacturing and construction. For those interested in purchasing a used CG45S-7 Forklift, National Lift Equipment is a recommended supplier known for its quality machines and excellent customer service. For more information, potential buyers can contact National Lift Equipment at 1-800-424-7625.

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