Used Princeton PB55+4Way Forklift For Sale

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If you’re in the market for a versatile and efficient forklift, look no further than the Princeton PB55+4Way Forklift. With its impressive specs and wide range of uses, this forklift is a game-changer in the industry. Whether you need to maneuver through tight spaces or transport heavy loads, the PB55+4Way is designed to meet all your needs. With its four-way capability, it allows for efficient movement in any direction, making it ideal for warehouses and distribution centers. To get your hands on a used Princeton PB55+4Way Forklift, contact National Lift Equipment at 1-800-424-7625. Don’t forget to explore the wide range of forklifts available at for more options. Get ready to take your operations to new heights with the Princeton PB55+4Way Forklift.

Princeton PB55+4Way Forklift


The Princeton PB55+4Way Forklift is a powerful and versatile machine that offers a wide range of capabilities and features. Let’s take a closer look at its specifications:

Weight Capacity

The weight capacity of the Princeton PB55+4Way Forklift is an impressive feature that allows you to handle heavy loads with ease.

The Princeton PB55+4Way Forklift offers excellent reach, allowing you to stack and retrieve items from heights with ease. This feature is particularly beneficial in warehouse and storage yard settings.

Turning Radius

Maneuvering in tight spaces is a breeze with the Princeton PB55+4Way Forklift’s impressive turning radius. It offers 4-way maneuverability, allowing you to navigate through narrow aisles and crowded areas effortlessly.

Fork Dimensions

The fork dimensions of the Princeton PB55+4Way Forklift are designed to ensure efficient handling of loads. You can easily pick up, transport, and stack items of various sizes and shapes.

Engine Type

The Princeton PB55+4Way Forklift delivers reliable performance and power. The engine is designed to provide optimal efficiency and durability, ensuring smooth operation even in demanding environments.

Fuel Type

The Princeton PB55+4Way Forklift provides a cost-effective and efficient solution for your lifting needs. It offers numerous benefits, including reduced emissions and improved fuel consumption.

Transmission Type

The transmission type of the Princeton PB55+4Way Forklift plays a vital role in its performance. This forklift ensures smooth and precise shifting, allowing for seamless operation during load handling tasks.

Tire Type

The tire type of the Princeton PB55+4Way Forklift is carefully selected to offer optimal traction and stability. Whether you’re working on smooth concrete floors or rough terrain, the tires on this forklift provide excellent grip and ensure safe operation.


The overall dimensions of the Princeton PB55+4Way Forklift are designed to provide a compact and maneuverable forklift that can easily navigate through various work environments, including tight spaces.


The Princeton PB55+4Way Forklift strikes a balance between strength and agility. Its weight ensures stability during lifting operations, allowing you to handle heavy loads with confidence.


The Princeton PB55+4Way Forklift is packed with features that enhance performance, comfort, and safety. Let’s explore some of its notable features:

4-Way Maneuverability

One of the standout features of the Princeton PB55+4Way Forklift is its 4-way maneuverability. This innovative design allows the forklift to move forward, backward, left, and right, providing unparalleled flexibility in navigating tight spaces and crowded environments.

Hydraulic System

The hydraulic system in the Princeton PB55+4Way Forklift ensures smooth and precise lifting and lowering of loads. With advanced hydraulics, this forklift offers excellent control and stability, minimizing the risk of damage to the load and ensuring operator safety.

Operator Comfort

The Princeton PB55+4Way Forklift is designed with operator comfort in mind. It features a comfortable seat, ergonomic controls, and excellent visibility, allowing operators to work efficiently and without fatigue. The forklift also boasts low vibrations and noise levels, further enhancing operator comfort.

Safety Features

Safety is a top priority with the Princeton PB55+4Way Forklift. It is equipped with various safety features, including lights, alarms, and safety switches, to protect both the operator and the surrounding environment. These features help prevent accidents and promote a safer work environment.

Hydrostatic Steering

The hydrostatic steering system in the Princeton PB55+4Way Forklift offers easy and precise control. This feature allows for effortless steering, ensuring smooth operation and minimizing operator fatigue. With hydrostatic steering, you can navigate the forklift with precision and confidence.

Compact Design

The compact design of the Princeton PB55+4Way Forklift is a significant advantage in busy work environments with limited space. Its small footprint allows for efficient maneuverability, making it an ideal choice for warehouses, manufacturing facilities, and other crowded settings.

Versatile Attachments

The Princeton PB55+4Way Forklift offers versatility through its compatibility with various attachments. Whether you need to handle different types of pallets, barrels, or other materials, this forklift can be easily customized to meet your specific needs.

Easy Maintenance

Maintaining the Princeton PB55+4Way Forklift is a straightforward task. With accessible components and a user-friendly design, routine maintenance and service can be performed quickly and efficiently. This feature ensures minimal downtime and maximizes productivity.

Fuel Efficiency

The fuel efficiency of the Princeton PB55+4Way Forklift is a significant advantage, helping to reduce operating costs. By optimizing fuel consumption, this forklift allows you to work longer hours without frequent refueling, saving time and money in the long run.

Noise Reduction

Operating in noisy environments can be uncomfortable and distracting. The Princeton PB55+4Way Forklift addresses this issue with noise reduction features, ensuring a quieter work environment. Reduced noise levels not only improve operator comfort but also contribute to a healthier and more productive workplace.


The Princeton PB55+4Way Forklift offers numerous benefits that make it a valuable addition to any operation. Let’s explore some of the key benefits:

Flexibility in Handling Loads

The ability to move in four directions provides unmatched flexibility in handling loads. Whether you need to maneuver through narrow aisles or position materials in a particular way, the Princeton PB55+4Way Forklift ensures efficient and precise load handling.

Improved Efficiency

The combination of the Princeton PB55+4Way Forklift’s features and specifications results in improved efficiency. With excellent maneuverability, lift height, and load capacity, this forklift allows for faster and more streamlined operations, increasing overall productivity.

Reduced Downtime

The reliability and durability of the Princeton PB55+4Way Forklift contribute to reduced downtime. With less time spent on repairs and maintenance, this forklift ensures maximum uptime, keeping your operations running smoothly and minimizing disruptions.

Enhanced Safety

Safety is a crucial aspect of any workplace, and the Princeton PB55+4Way Forklift prioritizes operator and environmental safety. With its well-designed safety features, this forklift reduces the risk of accidents and injuries, creating a safer work environment for everyone involved.

Cost Savings

Investing in a Princeton PB55+4Way Forklift can lead to significant cost savings in the long term. Its fuel efficiency, reduced maintenance requirements, and increased productivity all contribute to lower operating costs and a more financially sustainable operation.

Increased Operator Comfort

Comfortable operators are productive operators, and the Princeton PB55+4Way Forklift excels in providing a comfortable working environment. With its ergonomic design, low vibrations, and noise reduction features, this forklift ensures that operators can work efficiently and without unnecessary fatigue.

Saves Space in Warehouse

The compact design of the Princeton PB55+4Way Forklift maximizes space utilization in warehouses and other storage facilities. Its ability to maneuver in tight spaces means you can make the most of available floor space, allowing for seamless operations and efficient storage.

Increased Productivity

By improving efficiency, reducing downtime, and enhancing operator comfort, the Princeton PB55+4Way Forklift significantly increases overall productivity. With faster load handling, smooth operation, and minimal interruptions, you can accomplish more in less time.

Smooth Operation

The combination of advanced features and excellent engineering ensures a smooth and reliable operation with the Princeton PB55+4Way Forklift. Its precise controls, hydraulic system, and maneuverability contribute to seamless load handling and movement, resulting in a more efficient and enjoyable work experience.

Contribution to Green Initiatives

As sustainability becomes increasingly important, the Princeton PB55+4Way Forklift contributes to green initiatives. With reduced emissions, energy efficiency, and optimized fuel consumption, this forklift helps minimize the environmental impact of your operations.

Princeton PB55+4Way Forklift


The versatility of the Princeton PB55+4Way Forklift allows for its use in various applications and industries. Some notable applications include:


In warehouses, the Princeton PB55+4Way Forklift excels in efficient material handling and organization. Its maneuverability, compact design, and load capacity make it ideal for navigating narrow aisles and storing products in high racks.


Manufacturing facilities can benefit from the versatility and efficiency of the Princeton PB55+4Way Forklift. From moving raw materials to lifting finished products, this forklift streamlines the production process and ensures smooth material flow.

Loading Docks

Efficient loading and unloading of trucks and trailers are crucial in loading dock operations. The Princeton PB55+4Way Forklift’s maneuverability, lift height, and load capacity make it an excellent choice for these demanding tasks, improving productivity and reducing the risk of accidents.

Storage Yards

In outdoor storage yards, the Princeton PB55+4Way Forklift’s robust design and excellent maneuverability shine. It can handle a variety of loads and traverse different terrains, making it a reliable and efficient choice for organizing and moving materials in storage yards.

Construction Sites

Construction sites often require a versatile forklift that can handle heavy loads and navigate rough terrains. The Princeton PB55+4Way Forklift’s durability, lift height, and maneuverability make it suitable for various construction site tasks, such as moving construction materials and equipment.

Shipping and Receiving

Shipping and receiving operations demand efficient and quick handling of goods. The Princeton PB55+4Way Forklift’s capabilities make it an invaluable tool for loading and unloading trucks, sorting packages, and organizing items in the shipping and receiving area.

Distribution Centers

Distribution centers deal with a high volume of goods that need to be processed, sorted, and transported quickly. The Princeton PB55+4Way Forklift’s versatility and efficiency contribute to the smooth flow of products in distribution center operations, reducing bottlenecks and increasing throughput.

Transportation and Logistics

In transportation and logistics operations, time is of the essence. The Princeton PB55+4Way Forklift’s speed, maneuverability, and lift capacity play a crucial role in efficiently loading and unloading trucks, ensuring that goods are delivered promptly and without delays.

Cold Storage Facilities

Cold storage facilities have unique requirements to maintain low temperatures while handling goods. The Princeton PB55+4Way Forklift’s rugged design and reliability make it suitable for cold storage environments, providing efficient material handling without compromising the integrity of stored items.

Retail and Wholesale

Retail and wholesale operations require efficient inventory management and quick restocking of shelves. The Princeton PB55+4Way Forklift’s versatility and maneuverability are valuable in these settings, enabling operators to efficiently move and organize products for retail and wholesale distribution.

Buying Guide

If you’re considering purchasing a Princeton PB55+4Way Forklift, here are some key factors to consider:

Evaluate Your Needs

Begin by evaluating your specific needs and requirements. Consider factors such as weight capacity, lift height, maneuverability, and compatibility with attachments. Understanding your needs will ensure that you choose a forklift that can efficiently handle your workload.

Consider Used Options

Used forklifts can offer significant cost savings without compromising performance. Consider exploring used options, as they can be an affordable choice for businesses on a budget. However, ensure you carefully assess the condition and service history of the used forklift before making a purchase.

Contact National Lift Equipment

If you’re interested in a used Princeton PB55+4Way Forklift, it’s highly recommended to contact National Lift Equipment. With their expertise and extensive inventory, they can help guide you in finding the right forklift to meet your specific needs. Contact them at 1-800-424-7625 for more information.

Inspect and Test Drive

Before finalizing a purchase, it is crucial to physically inspect and test drive the forklift. Look for any signs of wear, damage, or maintenance issues. A test drive will allow you to assess the forklift’s performance and handling. This step is vital to ensure you make an informed decision.

Request Maintenance and Service Record

When purchasing a used forklift, always request the maintenance and service record. This record will provide valuable information about the forklift’s past maintenance history, any repairs performed, and overall reliability. A well-maintained forklift is likely to have fewer issues and increased longevity.

Compare Prices and Negotiate

Comparing prices from different sources will help you determine a fair market value for the forklift you’re interested in. Use this information to negotiate the price with the seller, ensuring that you get the best possible deal. Remember to consider factors such as warranty, condition, and included attachments in your negotiation.

Warranty and After-Sales Support

It is advisable to check if the forklift comes with a warranty or any additional after-sales support. A warranty can provide peace of mind and protect you from unexpected repair costs. Additionally, inquire about the availability of replacement parts and maintenance services for the specific forklift model.

Consider Financing Options

If purchasing the forklift outright is not feasible, consider exploring financing options. Many reputable dealers offer financing plans that can help you spread the cost over a manageable period. Evaluate the terms and conditions of these financing options to determine the best fit for your budget.

Review Customer Feedback

Before making a final decision, it can be helpful to review customer feedback and reviews of the forklift model you’re interested in. This feedback can provide valuable insights into the forklift’s performance, reliability, and overall customer satisfaction. Learning from others’ experiences can help you make an informed decision.

Consider Maintenance and Parts Availability

When purchasing a forklift, it’s essential to consider the availability of maintenance services and replacement parts. Ensure that there are reputable service providers and suppliers in your area who can support your forklift’s maintenance and repair needs. This will help minimize downtime and ensure timely service when necessary.

Maintenance Tips

Regular maintenance is crucial to keeping your Princeton PB55+4Way Forklift in optimal condition. Here are some important maintenance tips to keep in mind:

Regular Inspections

Regularly inspect your forklift for any signs of wear, damage, or potential issues. Check for leaks, loose connections, and worn-out components. Catching problems early can prevent more significant and costly repairs down the line.

Fluid Checks and Replacements

Monitor and replace fluids, such as oil, coolant, and hydraulic fluid, according to the manufacturer’s recommendations. Regularly check fluid levels and quality to ensure optimal performance and prevent damage to vital components.

Battery Maintenance

If your forklift is battery-powered, proper battery maintenance is essential. Follow the manufacturer’s guidelines for charging, watering, and cleaning the battery. Regularly inspect battery connections for corrosion and ensure they are tightened securely.

Tire Care

Maintain proper tire pressure and regularly check for wear and damage. Replace tires as needed to ensure optimal traction and stability. Proper tire care is crucial for safe and efficient operation, both indoors and outdoors.

Cleaning and Lubrication

Regularly clean your forklift to remove dirt, debris, and other contaminants that can cause damage or performance issues. Additionally, lubricate moving parts according to the manufacturer’s recommendations to prevent excessive friction and wear.

Training and Certification for Operators

Ensure that your forklift operators receive proper training and certification. Trained operators are more likely to handle the forklift safely and prevent accidents. Regularly provide refresher training to keep skills sharp and reinforce safety protocols.

Handling Repairs

If you encounter any issues or malfunctions with your forklift, address them promptly. Prompt repairs minimize downtime and prevent further damage to the forklift. Whenever possible, consult a professional technician experienced in forklift repairs.

Proper Storage

When your forklift is not in use, store it in a designated area that is clean, dry, and secure. Protect it from the elements, extreme temperatures, and potential unauthorized access. Proper storage helps prolong the lifespan of your forklift and ensures it remains in good working condition.

Periodic Servicing

Schedule periodic servicing according to the manufacturer’s recommendations. This servicing may include more in-depth inspections, fluid replacements, and component checks. Regular servicing helps identify potential issues before they become major problems.

Documentation and Record-Keeping

Maintain thorough documentation and record-keeping of all maintenance, repairs, and servicing performed on your forklift. This documentation serves as a valuable reference for future maintenance, warranty claims, and potential buyers if you decide to sell the forklift.

Safety Precautions

Safety should always be a priority when operating a forklift. Here are some essential safety precautions to follow:

Operator Training and Certification

Operators should receive proper training and certification before operating a forklift. Ensure that they are familiar with the forklift’s controls, safety features, and operational procedures. Ongoing training and refresher courses are also recommended to keep skills up to date.

Load Capacity and Stability

Always adhere to the forklift’s stated load capacity and stability limits. Overloading a forklift can result in tipping or instability, leading to potentially dangerous situations. If in doubt, consult the forklift’s documentation or a qualified professional.

Proper Loading and Unloading

When loading and unloading items, ensure that the load is properly secured and balanced. Improperly loaded items can shift, causing the forklift to become unstable or potentially dropping materials. Use appropriate attachments and techniques for safe and secure loading and unloading.

Seat Belt Usage

Always wear a seat belt when operating a forklift. Seat belts help prevent ejection and reduce the risk of injury during accidents or sudden stops. Make it a priority to enforce seat belt usage among your forklift operators.

Clear Visibility

Maintain clear visibility while operating the forklift. Ensure that the operator’s view is not obstructed by any loads or attachments. If visibility is limited, use additional mirrors or cameras to enhance the operator’s field of view.

Maintenance and Inspection

Regularly inspect and maintain your forklift to ensure it is in safe working condition. Perform routine checks for any damage, leaks, or worn-out components. Address any issues promptly to prevent accidents or further damage to the forklift.

Proper Storage and Parking

When the forklift is not in use, park it in designated areas or parking zones. Ensure that it is securely parked with the parking brake engaged. Avoid parking in areas that obstruct walkways or emergency exits.

Avoiding Hazards and Obstacles

Maintain awareness of the surroundings and watch out for hazards and obstacles. Avoid uneven surfaces, potholes, loose objects, and other potential dangers. Slow down and exercise caution when operating in areas with pedestrian traffic.

Proper Communication

Establish clear communication channels between forklift operators and other personnel in the work environment. Use designated hand signals, audible warnings, or communication devices to communicate intentions or potential hazards.

Emergency Preparedness

Ensure that operators are aware of emergency procedures and protocols. In the event of an emergency, operators should know how to safely and quickly evacuate the forklift and the area. Regularly conduct drills to reinforce emergency preparedness.

Troubleshooting Common Issues

No matter how well-maintained a forklift is, issues may still arise. Here are some common issues you may encounter with the Princeton PB55+4Way Forklift and potential troubleshooting steps:

Battery Related Problems

If the forklift is experiencing battery-related issues, such as difficulty starting or insufficient power, check the battery connections for any corrosion or loose connections. Ensure the battery is charged properly according to the manufacturer’s guidelines. If the problem persists, consult a professional technician.

Engine Starting Issues

If the engine is having trouble starting, check that the fuel level is sufficient and the fuel type is correct. Ensure the ignition switch is in the proper position and that any safety features, such as seat belts or parking brakes, are engaged correctly. If issues persist, consult a professional technician.

Transmission Malfunctions

If you notice any abnormalities in the transmission, such as unusual noises or difficulty shifting gears, immediately stop using the forklift and contact a professional technician. Transmission issues should be addressed promptly to prevent further damage.

Hydraulic System Failures

If the hydraulic system is not functioning correctly, such as slow or jerky movement, check the hydraulic fluid level and ensure it is clean and free of contamination. Check for any leaks or damaged hoses. If issues persist, consult a professional technician.

Wheel and Tire Problems

If you experience issues with the wheels and tires, such as uneven wear or loss of traction, inspect the tires for damage or excessive wear. Check the tire pressure and adjust as needed. Replace any damaged or worn-out tires. If problems persist, consult a professional technician.

Electrical Issues

If you encounter electrical issues, such as lights not working or warning signals not activating, check the electrical connections for loose or corroded wires. Inspect the fuses and replace any blown fuses. If the problem persists, consult a professional technician.

Brake Failures

If you notice any issues with the brakes, such as reduced stopping power or unusual noises, discontinue use of the forklift immediately. Consult a professional technician to inspect and repair the brake system to ensure safe operation.

Steering Problems

If the steering feels stiff or unresponsive, check the hydraulic fluid level and ensure it is clean and at the correct level. Inspect the steering components for any damage or leaks. If issues persist, consult a professional technician.

Lifting and Tilt Issues

If the lifting or tilting functions are not operating correctly, check the hydraulic fluid level and ensure it is clean and at the proper level. Inspect the hydraulic lines and cylinders for any damage or leakage. If problems persist, consult a professional technician.

Safety System Failures

If any safety features, such as lights, alarms, or safety switches, are not functioning correctly, consult the forklift’s documentation to check for proper operation and troubleshooting steps. If issues persist, consult a professional technician.

Environmental Impact

The environmental impact of the Princeton PB55+4Way Forklift is an important consideration. Here are some ways in which this forklift contributes to sustainability:

Reduced Emissions

The Princeton PB55+4Way Forklift is designed to minimize emissions, reducing its impact on air quality. Lower emissions contribute to a healthier work environment and help meet sustainability goals.

Energy Efficiency

The energy efficiency of the Princeton PB55+4Way Forklift ensures optimal use of power, reducing energy consumption. It helps conserve resources and can lead to lower operating costs.

Noise Reduction

Reduced noise levels contribute to a more comfortable work environment and minimize noise pollution. The Princeton PB55+4Way Forklift’s noise reduction features lessen the impact on both operators and surrounding areas.

Optimized Fuel Consumption

The Princeton PB55+4Way Forklift’s fuel efficiency optimizes fuel consumption, reducing the overall environmental impact. Lower fuel consumption results in reduced greenhouse gas emissions and reliance on fossil fuels.


The materials used in the Princeton PB55+4Way Forklift are often recyclable, reducing the need for raw materials and minimizing waste. Proper recycling practices can ensure that used components are repurposed or transformed into new products.

Eco-Friendly Manufacturing

The manufacturing process of the Princeton PB55+4Way Forklift takes environmental considerations into account. Eco-friendly manufacturing practices reduce the environmental footprint and promote sustainability throughout the product’s lifecycle.

Green Facility Design

The Princeton PB55+4Way Forklift can be operated within green facility designs that prioritize energy efficiency, waste reduction, and overall sustainability. Integrating this forklift into a green facility design enhances environmental stewardship.

Sustainable Packaging

When shipping and delivering the Princeton PB55+4Way Forklift, sustainable packaging materials and practices can be utilized. This reduces unnecessary waste and promotes responsible handling of the forklift during transport.

Lifecycle Assessment

The lifecycle assessment of the Princeton PB55+4Way Forklift considers its entire lifespan, from manufacturing to disposal. Evaluating the environmental impact at each stage allows for the identification of areas for improvement and sustainability initiatives.

Environmental Responsibility

By choosing the Princeton PB55+4Way Forklift, you are demonstrating environmental responsibility. Utilizing this forklift aligns with sustainability goals and contributes to a greener and more eco-friendly operation.


The Princeton PB55+4Way Forklift is a powerful and versatile solution for a wide range of lifting needs. With its impressive specifications, notable features, and numerous benefits, it is a reliable and trusted forklift. Whether you need to handle heavy loads in a warehouse, navigate tight spaces, or contribute to green initiatives, the Princeton PB55+4Way Forklift has you covered. Consider exploring used options and contacting National Lift Equipment for availability. Make an informed decision and invest in a reliable forklift that will enhance efficiency, safety, and productivity in your operation.

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