Used Toyota 8FGC35U Forklift For Sale

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If you’re in the market for a reliable and efficient forklift, look no further than the Toyota 8FGC35U. This powerhouse of a machine is designed to handle heavy loads with ease, making it perfect for industries such as construction, warehousing, and manufacturing. With a lifting capacity of 8,000 pounds and a maximum lifting height of 187 inches, the Toyota 8FGC35U ensures that your operation runs smoothly and efficiently. Whether you need to load and unload shipments, stack pallets, or move materials around your facility, this forklift is up to the task. And when it comes to finding a used Toyota 8FGC35U, look no further than National Lift Equipment. They have a wide selection of quality pre-owned forklifts, including the Toyota 8FGC35U, ready to meet your specific needs. Contact them at 1-800-424-7625 or visit their website to explore all the options available.

Toyota 8FGC35U Forklift

Overview of the Toyota 8FGC35U Forklift


The Toyota 8FGC35U Forklift is a versatile and efficient machine designed to meet the demands of various industries. This forklift is well-known for its reliability, performance, and safety features. Whether you’re working in a warehouse, manufacturing facility, or construction site, the Toyota 8FGC35U will undoubtedly enhance your operations.

Key Features

The Toyota 8FGC35U Forklift boasts several key features that make it stand out from its competitors. One such feature is its increased lifting capacity, allowing it to handle heavy loads with ease. Additionally, the forklift offers superior ergonomics, ensuring operator comfort and reducing fatigue during long hours of operation. Finally, the Toyota 8FGC35U prioritizes safety with its operator presence sensing system and stability mechanisms.


When it comes to specifications, the Toyota 8FGC35U Forklift does not disappoint. It has a maximum lifting capacity of 7,000 pounds, making it suitable for a wide range of applications. The forklift also has a maximum lift height of 199 inches and a turning radius of just 88 inches, helping operators navigate tight spaces easily. Equipped with a powerful engine, the forklift ensures efficiency and excellent performance.

Benefits of the Toyota 8FGC35U Forklift

Increased Productivity

The Toyota 8FGC35U Forklift is designed to enhance productivity in various environments. With its impressive lifting capacity, this forklift can handle heavy loads, reducing the number of trips required to move materials. Additionally, its smooth handling and control allow for quick and efficient maneuverability, saving time and increasing overall productivity.

Superior Ergonomics

The comfort of operators is crucial for maximizing productivity and minimizing downtime. The Toyota 8FGC35U Forklift prioritizes ergonomics, ensuring operators can work comfortably for extended periods. The adjustable seats and control panels cater to operators of different sizes, while ergonomic controls minimize operator fatigue and improve efficiency.

Enhanced Safety Measures

Safety should always be a top priority in any workplace, and the Toyota 8FGC35U Forklift delivers in this aspect. The operator presence sensing system ensures that the forklift only operates when an authorized operator is present, preventing accidents caused by unauthorized or untrained individuals. Stability mechanisms and visibility enhancements further contribute to a safe working environment.

Applications of the Toyota 8FGC35U Forklift

Warehousing and Distribution Centers

The Toyota 8FGC35U Forklift is well-suited for warehousing and distribution centers. With its precise maneuverability and lifting capacity, it can efficiently move and stack heavy pallets, optimizing storage space and streamlining the distribution process. Additionally, the forklift’s visibility enhancements make it easier to navigate narrow aisles and avoid potential hazards.

Manufacturing and Production Facilities

In manufacturing and production facilities, the Toyota 8FGC35U Forklift proves to be an invaluable asset. Its lifting capacity allows for the transportation of heavy machinery and materials, improving workflow efficiency. The forklift’s smooth handling and control make it ideal for transporting fragile or sensitive goods as well, ensuring they remain intact throughout the process.

Construction Sites and Outdoor Environments

The robust nature of the Toyota 8FGC35U Forklift makes it suitable for rugged outdoor environments, including construction sites. Its powerful engine enables it to handle various terrains and lift heavy construction materials. The forklift’s reliability and durability make it a dependable choice for construction projects, providing support for tasks such as material handling and equipment transport.

Toyota 8FGC35U Forklift

Maintenance and Service for the Toyota 8FGC35U Forklift

Regular Inspections

To ensure the longevity and optimal performance of the Toyota 8FGC35U Forklift, regular inspections are essential. These inspections should be conducted by trained technicians who can identify and address any potential issues before they escalate. Regular inspections not only promote safety but also help prevent unexpected breakdowns that can disrupt operations.

Scheduled Maintenance

Scheduled maintenance is vital for keeping the Toyota 8FGC35U Forklift in peak condition. This includes routine tasks such as oil changes, filter replacements, and fluid level checks. Adhering to the manufacturer’s recommended maintenance schedule ensures that the forklift operates smoothly and efficiently throughout its lifespan.

Importance of Genuine Toyota Parts

When it comes to maintenance and repairs, it is crucial to use genuine Toyota parts for the 8FGC35U Forklift. Genuine parts are specifically designed for the forklift, ensuring compatibility and optimal performance. Using counterfeit or off-brand parts can lead to safety hazards, decreased efficiency, and potential damage to the forklift.

Expert Service Providers

To ensure the Toyota 8FGC35U Forklift receives the best possible care, it is recommended to rely on expert service providers. These professionals are well-versed in the intricacies of the forklift and can provide comprehensive maintenance and repair services. Working with authorized Toyota dealerships or reputable service centers guarantees top-notch service and access to genuine Toyota parts.

Buying a Used Toyota 8FGC35U Forklift

Why Choose a Used Forklift

Opting for a used Toyota 8FGC35U Forklift can be a wise decision for various reasons. Firstly, it can help save costs compared to purchasing a brand-new forklift. Secondly, used forklifts have already undergone initial depreciation, making them more financially appealing. Lastly, the Toyota 8FGC35U is known for its durability and reliability, ensuring that even used models can provide dependable performance.

Reliable Source: National Lift Equipment

For those interested in purchasing a used Toyota 8FGC35U Forklift, National Lift Equipment is a reputable and reliable source to consider. With their extensive inventory of pre-owned forklifts, including the Toyota 8FGC35U, they offer a wide selection to suit various needs. Their commitment to customer satisfaction and their team of knowledgeable experts make them a trustworthy choice.

Contact National Lift Equipment

To learn more about the availability and pricing of the Toyota 8FGC35U Forklift at National Lift Equipment, individuals can contact them directly. Their dedicated customer service team can provide detailed information on the forklift, answer any questions, and assist with the purchasing process. National Lift Equipment can be contacted at 1-800-424-7625.

Online Search for Forklifts

Apart from reaching out directly to National Lift Equipment, potential buyers can also explore their online platform to search for the Toyota 8FGC35U Forklift and other available forklifts. This allows for easy browsing and comparison, ensuring individuals can find the right forklift that meets their specific requirements, budget, and location.

Safety Features of the Toyota 8FGC35U Forklift

Operator Presence Sensing System

The Toyota 8FGC35U Forklift is equipped with an operator presence sensing system. This system ensures that the forklift can only be operated when an authorized operator is present. This feature prevents unauthorized use and enhances overall safety within the workplace.

Stability Mechanisms

Maintaining stability is crucial for safe forklift operation. The Toyota 8FGC35U Forklift incorporates stability mechanisms that minimize the risk of tip-overs or accidents caused by uneven surfaces. These mechanisms provide superior stability, allowing operators to work confidently and reducing the chance of accidents.

Visibility Enhancements

Visibility is essential to avoid collisions and hazards in any environment. The Toyota 8FGC35U Forklift is designed with visibility enhancements, such as strategically placed mirrors and unobstructed sightlines to enhance the operator’s view of their surroundings. Clear visibility ensures operators can navigate safely and confidently, further reducing the risk of accidents.

Warning Alarms and Lights

To further enhance safety, the Toyota 8FGC35U Forklift is equipped with warning alarms and lights. These audible and visual indicators alert both the operator and other individuals in the vicinity of the forklift’s presence, allowing them to exercise caution and maintain a safe distance.

Efficiency and Performance of the Toyota 8FGC35U Forklift

Fuel Efficiency

The Toyota 8FGC35U Forklift prioritizes fuel efficiency, aiming to minimize fuel consumption and reduce costs. The forklift is designed with advanced technology that optimizes fuel usage, ensuring maximum efficiency while delivering the necessary power for lifting and operating. This efficiency translates to long-term savings and reduced environmental impact.

Powerful Engine

Equipped with a powerful engine, the Toyota 8FGC35U Forklift offers exceptional performance in various working conditions. The engine delivers ample power to handle heavy loads and navigate challenging terrains, ensuring the forklift can fulfill demanding tasks efficiently.

Smooth Handling and Control

The Toyota 8FGC35U Forklift is designed to provide operators with smooth handling and precise control. This level of control allows for accurate positioning of loads and seamless navigation through tight spaces. The forklift’s ease of handling contributes to increased productivity and minimizes the risk of damage to materials or equipment.

Lifting Capacity

With a maximum lifting capacity of 7,000 pounds, the Toyota 8FGC35U Forklift proves its strength and versatility. This lifting capacity enables the forklift to handle a wide range of materials and equipment, making it suitable for various industries and applications. The forklift’s lifting capacity ensures efficient and safe material handling operations.

Comfort and Ergonomics in the Toyota 8FGC35U Forklift

Operator Cabin Design

The operator cabin in the Toyota 8FGC35U Forklift is thoughtfully designed with operator comfort in mind. The spacious cabin allows for freedom of movement, and the layout ensures easy access to controls and instruments. The cabin also includes features such as air conditioning and adjustable ventilation, creating a comfortable and productive working environment.

Adjustable Seats and Control Panels

To accommodate operators of different sizes and preferences, the Toyota 8FGC35U Forklift offers adjustable seats and control panels. These adjustable features allow operators to find their ideal seating position and customize control panel placement, reducing operator fatigue and promoting optimal performance.

Ergonomic Controls

The forklift’s controls are ergonomically designed, ensuring they are intuitive and easy to operate. Ergonomic controls contribute to precise handling and enhanced efficiency as operators can quickly and accurately navigate the forklift’s features. The ergonomic control layout reduces strain on operators’ wrists and arms, promoting long-term comfort and minimizing the risk of injuries.

Operator Comfort Enhancements

The Toyota 8FGC35U Forklift goes the extra mile to enhance operator comfort during long hours of operation. Beyond adjustable seats and control panels, the forklift includes features such as a suspension seat and ergonomic armrests. These comfort enhancements reduce fatigue and ensure operators can focus on their tasks with minimal distractions.

Environmental Considerations

Low Noise Emissions

The Toyota 8FGC35U Forklift prioritizes low noise emissions, making it an environmentally friendly choice. By reducing noise pollution, the forklift contributes to a more pleasant working environment and promotes overall well-being. This feature is particularly advantageous in noise-sensitive areas such as residential neighborhoods or indoor workspaces.

Reduced Fuel Consumption

With its fuel-efficient design, the Toyota 8FGC35U Forklift minimizes fuel consumption and reduces its carbon footprint. By consuming less fuel, the forklift helps decrease greenhouse gas emissions, making it a sustainable choice. Reduced fuel consumption not only benefits the environment but also contributes to long-term cost savings.

Eco-Friendly Technology

The Toyota 8FGC35U Forklift incorporates eco-friendly technology to further reduce its environmental impact. This technology includes features such as emission control systems and energy-efficient components. By utilizing these eco-friendly advancements, the forklift demonstrates Toyota’s commitment to sustainability and responsible manufacturing practices.

Cost-effectiveness of the Toyota 8FGC35U Forklift

Long-Term Savings

Investing in the Toyota 8FGC35U Forklift offers long-term savings for businesses. Its fuel efficiency and low maintenance requirements help reduce operating costs over time. Additionally, its durability and reliability translate to minimized downtime and potential repair expenses. The forklift’s long-term cost-effectiveness makes it a smart choice for businesses looking to optimize their budget.

Dependable Performance

The Toyota 8FGC35U Forklift is known for its dependable performance, regardless of the industry or application. Its robust construction and engineering ensure that it can tackle demanding tasks consistently. The forklift’s ability to deliver reliable performance day after day minimizes any disruption to operations, ultimately contributing to cost-effectiveness.

Competitive Pricing

When considering the features, specifications, and reputation of the Toyota 8FGC35U Forklift, its pricing is highly competitive. Toyota strives to offer value for money, making their forklifts accessible and affordable for businesses of all sizes. The competitive pricing of the forklift ensures that it remains an attractive option for those seeking a cost-effective solution.

Resale Value

The Toyota 8FGC35U Forklift holds its value well in the resale market. Its reputation for reliability and performance ensures that used models retain their worth. This means that businesses can recoup a significant portion of their investment if they decide to sell or upgrade their forklift in the future. The forklift’s resale value contributes to its overall cost-effectiveness.

In conclusion, the Toyota 8FGC35U Forklift is a reliable, efficient, and safe choice for various industries and applications. Its key features, such as increased lifting capacity, superior ergonomics, and enhanced safety measures, provide numerous benefits. From warehousing and distribution centers to manufacturing facilities and construction sites, the Toyota 8FGC35U excels in diverse working environments. With proper maintenance and service, including regular inspections and scheduled maintenance, the forklift will continue to deliver optimal performance. For those interested in purchasing a used Toyota 8FGC35U Forklift, National Lift Equipment is a trustworthy source to explore. The forklift’s safety features, efficiency and performance, comfort and ergonomic considerations, environmental considerations, and cost-effectiveness make it a top choice for businesses looking to enhance their operations. So why wait? Consider the Toyota 8FGC35U Forklift for your material handling needs and experience the benefits it brings to your workplace.

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